Terms Of Service


Any exhortation or data on this site is general guidance just, and does not consider your own conditions. You ought not exchange or contribute construct exclusively with respect to this data.

By survey any material or utilising the data inside our site, you concur this is general instruction material and you won’t consider any individual or substance in charge of misfortune or harms coming about because of the substance or general guidance gave by The Golden Room Ltd and its workers and executives.

Partaking in Foreign Exchange (Forex) exchanging includes dangers. You should know about the dangers and acknowledge those dangers keeping in mind the end goal to contribute cash inside the monetary market. This site does not offer Buy/Sell spot Forex signals or some other money related items. No assurances are made by or for The Golden Room Ltd that any record will, or is probably going to accomplish benefits or misfortunes like those talked about in any material on our site.

Once payment is made, your credit card statement will read thegoldenroom442033188334


The Golden Room  hold the privilege to decline any discounts. On the off chance that the bundle is harmed,The Golden Room Ltd will endeavour to send a substitution inside 30 days subsequent to accepting the harmed bundle to investigate the bundle.The Golden Room Ltd Ltd hold the privilege not issue discounts for courses sold by means of the site and third parties as the course material has been revealed to the beneficiary and access to the different stages have been conceded.The Golden Room Ltd has the right to refuse refunds once a course has been paid in full/ deposit has been made unless we ourselves cannot accommodate.The Golden Room Ltd is not liable If you change your mind about your purchase.

Refund requests made after you have received a session are handled on a case by case basis and are issued at our sole discretion. Refund requests, if any, must be made within thirty (30) days of your original purchase.

If you wish to cancel please send an email with your cancellation request (name, email and membership plan)  to [email protected] 


Without partiality to our different rights under these Terms and Conditions, in the event that you rupture these terms and conditions in any capacity, or in the event that we sensibly presume that you have broken these terms and conditions in any capacity, we may:

· Send you at least one formal notices;

· Incidentally suspend your entrance to our site;

· For all time restrict you from getting to our site;

· Piece PCs utilizing your IP address from getting to our site;

· Contact any or the greater part of your Network access Suppliers and demand that they obstruct your entrance to our site;

· Cegin legitimate activity against you, regardless of whether for rupture of agreement or something else; and additionally

· Suspend or erase your record on our site.

Where we suspend or preclude or hinder your entrance to our site or a piece of our site, you should not make any move to evade such suspension or restriction or blocking including without confinement, making as well as utilising an alternate record.


You consent to reimburse and hold The Golden Room its backups and offshoots, and each of their chiefs, officers, operators, contractual workers, accomplices and representatives, safe from and against any misfortune, risk, guarantee, request, harms, expenses and costs, including sensible specialist charges, made by any outsider due to or emerging out of or regarding any client substance or substance you post or offer on or through the site, your utilization of the administration or the site, your lead regarding the administration or the site or with different clients of the administration or the site, or any infringement of these Terms or of any law or the privileges of any outsider.


You consent to reimburse and holdThe Golden Room Ltd, its backups and offshoots, and each of their chiefs, officers, operators, contractual workers, accomplices and representatives, safe from and against any misfortune, risk, guarantee, request, harms, expenses and costs, including sensible specialist charges, made by any outsider due to or emerging out of or regarding any client substance or substance you post or offer on or through the site, your utilization of the administration or the site, your lead regarding the administration or the site or with different clients of the administration or the site, or any infringement of these Terms or of any law or the privileges of any outsider.